during SOCLIM kickoff ....
Stéphane Blain received his Ph.D. in chemical oceanography from the University of Brest in 1992. In 1993, he served as a post doc at the Moss Landing Marine Laboratories during the preparation of IRONEX1. He is actually professor of chemical oceanography at the University Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris). He is working at the Marine station of Banyuls sur Mer, where he has founded and directed the Microbial Oceanography Laboratory (2010-2013), a research unit in partnership with the UPMC and the CNRS. His research interests are the functioning of the biological pump of CO2 in the ocean with focus on iron biogeochemistry and the Southern Ocean. He is also involved in the development of new analytical tools and methods for in-situ chemical oceanography.
He has initiated the project KEOPS (KEOPS: Kerguelen Ocean and Plateau compared study) ten years ago. The main objective of KEOPS is to study the impact of natural iron fertilization of the Southern Ocean. KEOPS is international project that gathered researchers from 10 French laboratories and foreign colleagues from different nations (Australia, Belgium, Chili, The Netherlands, South Korea, USA, UK). The first phase of this project was conducted in 2004-2009 and has produced more than 50 publications. The second phase (2011-2014) is currently underway with the publications of the papers related to the KEOPS2 cruise. As principal investigator of KEOPS, He has co-organized two special sessions with colleagues of the National Oceanographic Center of Southampton (OSM, Hawaii 2006) and with colleagues of the Alfred Wegener Institute (ASLO meeting, Orlando 2013). He was involved in the SCOR WG and invited to international workshops and conferences.
During the past 20 years he has been very interested in observing systems. In 1997, he has organized an international symposium on marine analytical chemistry for the monitoring of oceanographic research. He has participated to the first development of nutrient in situ chemical analyzers and to the deployments of biogeochemical sensors on buoys. Recently, He has used fluorescence sensors mounted on elephant seals of Kerguelen to produce the first two dimensional climatology of chlorophyll in a region of the Southern Ocean.
Stéphane Blain has published 50 papers, which have been cited 2204 times. His h-index is 23.
1986-1992 Research assistant URA CNRS 322, Université de Bretagne occidentale
1993 Post-doctoral position Moss Landing Marine Laboratory CA USA
1993-1996 Research assistant, Université de Bretagne Occidentale
1996-2003 Associate professor, Université de Bretagne Occidentale
2003-2007 : Professor Université de Marseille II
2008- : Professor Université Pierre et Marie Curie. PARIS